Wednesday 5 March 2008

Chennai Traffic-Right of Way!

Suddenly there was a screeching sound and rubber smell. But no accident. The 150cc biker just averted an accident. An old man on cycle was saved! But on close scrutiny I could see the cause and effect of our peoples' attitude toward 'right turners' and 'road crossers'!I just don't know why the people behave this way. You try to cross a road. You look right, left and again right as required. You spot a vehicle which is at least 100 meters away. You think it is safe.

But think again! That vehicle will suddenly pick up speed and cut across your path. You have to jump back. If he had continued with the same speed and path you would have crossed with no trouble and he would have gone his way going behind you. But no. He/She will not let you. Whether you are crossing from the right or left side of the road, 'the vehicle should cross only in front of you and before you cross' seems to be their rule! The rub on the wound is they will be back to their normal speed once they cross you.

For a moment imagine that you are in your vehicle. A person is crossing the road from your left 'no need to brake' distance away. Instead of moving to your right as people do normally you can move to your left which will make your path as well as his clear. No need to reduce speed, for both of you. Same tactic for a person crossing from your right. This time you move to your right, that's all. Mind you. I am talking about situation where you have space to move. Not when you are one of the 100 vehicles trying to be the first one at the next signal!

Oh! I forgot. It is nearly the same thing when you try to turn in to a street on your right. The old man was trying to turn and the biker wanted to overtake before the old man could do so! Even after that the old man was not allowed to turn. The biker just whizzed past before the cycler could recover. Even after that the old man could not finish turning and had to back up towards the left side of the road as cars, bikes and a bus started piling up. That is the salt added while rubbing!


Sojourner said...

Its true.. couldn't put it better.. I wonder why people do so, but glad you brought it to light..

g.r.phanindra said...

I wish and pray God to put some common sense into these kind of drivers. Don't these people have consideration for those poor souls on the road.

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