Thursday, 28 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Dangerous friendship
Posted by puyal at 00:45 0 comments
Labels: bike, chennai, cycle, friendship, photo
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Fine is not Fine
In my endeavour to educate my readers and admirers(!) about the need to follow road rules I am giving below the not-so-publicised details of penalties you should happily pay in the following circumstances.
1.1 Driving without a Valid License - Rs. 500/- and /or imprisonment ( 3 months) 3 r/w 181 MVA
1.2 Allowing vehicle to be driven by a person who does not possess a Valid License. - Rs. 1000/- and/or imprisonment ( 3 months) 5 r/w 180 MVA
1.3 Not carrying documents as required. - Rs. 100/- 130(3) r/w 177 MVA
1.4 Driving without Valid Insurance. - Rs. 1000/- and/or imprisonment ( 3 months) 130 r/w 177 MVA
1.5 Driving without Valid Permit. - Rs. 5000/- ( not less than Rs. 2000/-) 130 r/w 177 MVA
1.6 Driving without Valid Fitness. - Rs. 5000/- ( not less than Rs. 2000/-) 130 r/w 177 MVA
1.7 Vehicle without R.C. - Rs 2000/- 39 r/w192 MVA
Not carrying documents as required - Sec 177 MVA - Rs. 100/-
2.1.1 Driving by Minor . - Rs. 500/- 4 r/w 181 MVA
2.1.2 Allowing Unauthorized person to drive . - Rs. 1000/- 5 r/w 180 MVA
2.1.3 Driving without Helmet. - Rs. 100/- 129 r/w177 MVA
2.1.4 Seat Belts not fastened. - Rs. 100/- 138(3) CMVR 177 MVA
2.1.5 Rough/Rash/Negligent Driving . - Rs. 1000/- 184 MVA
2.1.6 Dangerous or hasty Driving. - Rs.1000/-and/or imprisonment ( 6 months) 112-183 MVA
2.1.7 Not Driving in Proper Lane. - Court Challan 66 r/w 192 MVA
2.1.8 Driving in the center and not to left side. - Rs.100/- 2 RRR r/w 177 MVA
2.1.9 Driving against One Way. - Rs.100/- 17 (i) RRR 177 MVA
2.1.10 Reversing without due care and attention. - Rs. 100/- MMVR 233 177 MVA
2.1.11 Taking “U” turn during outlawed hours. Rs.100/- 12 RRR 177 MVA
2.1.12 Failing to take precaution while taking a “Turn”. Rs.100/- 3 RRR 177 MVA
2.1.13 Failing to decelerate at intersection. Rs.100/- 8 RRR 177 MVA
2.1.14 Failing to carry on left of traffic island. Rs.100/- 2 RRR 177 MVA
2.1.15 Carrying persons on Footboard. Rs.100/- 123-177 MVA
2.1.16 Carrying persons causing hindrance to the driver. Rs.100/- 125-177 MVA
2.1.17 Trippling. Rs. 100/- 128/177 MVA
2.1.18 Driving on Footpath. Rs.100/- RRR 177 MVA
2.1.19 Stopping at pedestrian crossing or crossing a Stop Line. Rs.100/- RRR 177 MVA
Now, don’t let a policeman take more than Rs.100 from you when you unknowingly enter a one way. This too has to be ticketed and handed over to you.
Road Marking Related Offences v2.2.1 Violation of Yellow Line. Rs. 100/- 119/177 MVA
2.2.2 Violation of Stop Line. Rs. 100/- 113(1)/177 DMVR
2.2.3 Violation of Mandatory Signs . Rs. 100/- 119/177 MVA
Number Plate Related Offences
2.3.1 Use of Offensive Number Plate for vehicle used in driving. Rs.100/- CMVR 105 (2) (ii) 177 MVA
2.3.2 Displaying ‘Applied For’. Rs. 4500/- 39/192 MVA
Vehicle Light Related Offences
2.4.1 Improper use of headlights/tail light for vehicle used in driving. Rs.100/- CMVR 105 (2) (ii)177 MVA
2.4.2 Using High Beam where not required. Rs. 100/- 112(G) A DMVR 177 MVA
Horn Related Offences
2.5.1 Driving without Horn. Rs. 100/- 119(1)/177 CMVR
2.5.2 Improper horn usage while driving. Rs.100/- CMVR 105 (2) (ii) 177 MVA
Traffic Police Related Offences
2.6.1 Disobeying Traffic Police Officer in uniform. Rs. 100/- 119 MVA 22(a) RRR 177 MVA
2.6.2 Driving against Police Signal. Rs. 100/- 119 r/w 177 MVA
2.6.3 Disobeying manual Traffic Signal. Rs. 100/- 239 MMVR 22(a) RRR 177 MVA
Traffic Signal Related Offences
2.7.1 Disobeying Traffic signal / Sign Board. Rs. 100/- 22(b) RRR 239 MMVR 177 MVA
2.7.2 Failing to give Signal. Rs. 100/- 121 RRR 177 MVA
2.7.3 Jumping Signal. Rs.100/- 119/177 MVA
Speed and Overtake Related Offences
2.8.1 Exceeding the prescribed Speed Limits. Up to Rs.1000/- 112-183 MVA
2.8.2 Abetment for Over Speeding . Rs.300/- 112/183(2) MVA
2.8.3 Overtaking perilously. Rs.100/- 6 (a) RRR r/w 177 MVA
2.8.4 Failing to confer way to sanction Overtaking. Rs.100/- 7 RRR 177 MVA
2.8.5 Overtaking from Wrong Side . Rs. 100/- RRR 6/1/177 MVA
Other Offences
2.9.1 Disobeying Lawful Directions. Rs. 500/- 132/179 MVA
2.9.2 Driving under influence of Alcohol / Drugs. Rs.2000/- and/or imprisonment ( 6 months) 185 MVA
2.9.3 Using Mobile Phone while Driving. Up to 1000/- 184 MVA
2.9.4 Leaving vehicle in unoccupied engine. Rs.100/- 126-177 MVA v2.9.5 Leaving vehicle in unsafe position. Rs.100/- 122 177 MVA
2.9.6 In case of a minor Accident. Rs. 1000/- 184 MVA
2.9.7 Playing music while Driving. Rs. 100/- 102/177 MVA v2.9.8 Driving without Silencer. Rs. 100/- 120/190(2)/177CMVR v2.9.9 Driving when mentally or physically unfit. Court Challan 186 MVA
3.1 Two Wheeler. Rs.100/- RRR 177 MVA
3.2 Car , Jeep, Taxi, Auto Rickshaw. Rs.200/- RRR 177 MVA
3.3 Truck, Tanker, Trailor. Rs.600/- RRR 177 MVA
4.1 Smoking in Public Transport. Rs. 100/- 86(1)(5)/177 DMVR
4.2 Pollution Not Under Control. Rs. 100/- 99(1)(a)/177 DMVR
4.3 Fixing multi-toned/shrill horn. Rs.500/- 119 CMVR 190(2) MVA
4.4 Blowing Pressure Horn. Rs. 100/- 96(1)/177 DMVR
4.5 Silencer/muffler making noise. Rs.500/- CMVR 120 190(2) MVA
4.6 Smoky Exhaust. Rs.500/- 115 CMVR 190(2) MVA
4.7 Using horn in Silence Zone. Rs.100/- 21(ii) RRR 177 MVA
5.1 Using Vehicle in Unsafe Conditions. Court Challan 192 MVA
5.2 When motor vehicle is out of state for more than 12 months. Rs.100/- 47-177 MVA
5.3 Particulars to be printed on transport vehicles. Rs.100/- 84(G)-177 MVA
5.4 Without Wiper Rs.100/- CMVR 101 5,12 177 MVA
5.4 Without Side Mirror. Rs.100/- 5, 7/177 MVA
5.5 Defective tyres. Rs.100/- CMVR 94
5.6 No indication board on left hand drive vehicle. Rs.100/- 120, 177 MVA
5.7 Sale of motor vehicle/alteration of motor vehicle in contravention of Act. Rs.300/- 52/191 MVA, 32/192.66/192 MV Act
5.8 Vehicles fitted with dark glasses/sun films. Rs.100/- 100 CMVR 177 MVA
5.9 Driving without proper number plate/ illuminating rear number plate. Rs.100/- 236 MMVR 177 MVA
5.10 Failing to display public carrier board. Rs.100/- 116 MMVR 177 MVA
5.11 Using private vehicle for commercial purposes. Rs. 5000/-( not less than Rs. 2000/-)
5.12 Any sort of misconduct with passengers, not wearing uniform/not displaying badge. Rs.100/- MMVR 21(18)177 MVA
5.13 Overloading a goods vehicle. Rs. 2000/-plus Rs. 1000/- for every additional ton. MMVR 93(u)(i)177 MVA
5.14 Carrying goods in a dangerous or hazardous manner. Imprisonment and/or fine of Rs. 3000/- 29 RRR177 MVA
5.15 Infringement of permit conditions. Imprisonment and/or fine of Rs. 5000/-( not less than Rs. 2000/-) -
5.16 Use of Colored light on Vehicle Rs. 100/- 97(2)/177 DMVR
Documents to be carried at all times
1 Valid driving license.
2 Vehicle Registration Certificate.
3 Road Tax Token.
4 Pollution under Control Certificate.
5 Current Insurance Certificate.
I got the above details from a blog by Mr. Ashok, who graciously gave me permission to use the same.
Posted by puyal at 19:34 26 comments
Labels: fine, motor vehicle act, rules
Friday, 22 February 2008
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Useful blog
Click to get information on getting a license, etc. mainly of four wheelers.
Posted by puyal at 20:52 4 comments
Chennai Traffic-Motorbike Tips for the Dummies!
After you buy the bike
Don't throw away the manual supplied with a bike.
Stick to Running in period mentioned in the manual as it will help engine performance for the future.
Before starting the bike
Check brake and horn when you start the vehicle and put on the helmet and strap it securely.
See that the light is switched off when you start the bike to avoid bulb blowing off.
After starting the bike
Don't start the vehicle inside the premises and zoom in to the traffic outside to avert collision for yourself and heart attack for motorists already coming from your left.
Wait for the traffic to pass before cutting through to turn right.
Switch on the light if it is night time but not the high beam.
Turning at a corner
Reduce speed, brake, blow horn, signal even if you are turning left at a corner.
Repeat above when turning right at a corner.
Brake gently with a pumping action than braking at the last moment without reducing the speed and changing gear.
Press clutch while changing gear but not while braking.
At the signal
At the signal wait for the signal light to turn green!
Switch off the bike if the signal counter shows 50.
Even if you don't follow the tip above at least be on neutral as the bike on gear can jump forward if jerked suddenly, a possibility if another motorist decides to apply brake at the last moment.
At a U-turn don't turn immediately after the road divider to avoid tight turning.
Switch off the indicator light after turning.
Overtake on the right.
Blow horn and let the motorist in front know that you are overtaking.
Don't try to overtake on the right a vehicle which has right indicator on.
Let the others know that you are on road by horning when over taking and at night by not wearing black/dark dress and not using a black helmet.
Use common sense and don't let other motorists' behaviour turn you into a law breaker!
Drive with confidence and a smile!
Chennai Traffic-Menace of Public Parking
Our roads are not wide enough is a fact every one knows. But it is not unusual to see that the space is further narrowed down by parking of cars. So apart from motorists, the pedestrians also have to use this space. Still people go on without any thought about safety like the cyclist on a cell phone in the above photo.
Posted by puyal at 18:33 0 comments
Labels: cellphone. bike, cycle, parking
Chennai Traffic-Will it be Published?
This is my letter to The Hindu I sent today. Whether they publish it or not, I have published it: )
SirIt is nothing new for our people to jump over poodles, evade pestering vendors, avoid being electrocuted by exposed wirings, etc. Added to the list is haphazard parking because of too many vehicles, carrying too few people, looking for space which is scarce! It is so easy to get the cars with ever willing banks lending a hand, literally. This parking menace is not only affecting people in shopping areas but also in residential areas. Already people are forced to walk on road because of lack of pavements, which, if they exist are taken over by casual labourers or cars, once again. The parked cars on roads, not only reduce the width of the roads but also force the people to walk in the middle of the road which is already treated as disputed area by motorists. Now with the introduction of nano cars it is possible that the problem will be further compounded. So everyone may finally end up walking as there will be no space to drive! It is high time that the authorities demand for the 'availability of parking space within the premises' certificate. Or the government can charge a hefty sum as parking fee from those people who use the public space as parking area. At least this will force people to realise that the 'roads are not their ancestors' property' as the old adage goes!
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Philip gladstone Videos
Watch this video which gives you a nice insight into the way people behave on roads, whether they are motorists or pedestrians.
Posted by puyal at 21:56 0 comments
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Beware of these law breakers!
The law says that a bike should sport rear view mirror, Saree guard and crash bar. The law also says that you should not have fancy horns. But you can see many drivers flouting these norms. Rather than going into their reasons for the same here is my list of vehicles you should be careful with.
1. Bike with no rear view mirror - they cannot spot you overtaking from the right side.
2. Bikers without helmet - they don't have their first line of defense in case of fall which is possible with a two wheeler which is an unstable vehicle.
3. Biker with fancy horn - he will make you jump out of your seat and difficult to spot.
4. Biker on designer bike - he is on road to make an impression. Be careful that he doesn't make any on you as he zig zags his way through!
5. Vehicles which honk while waiting at the signal - they are either impatient or in a hurry.
6. Vehicle with fancy numbers - though not unlawful it is possible that they may have 'connections'.
7. Water Tanker, Lorry and Buses - of course...
Your contributions are welcome to this list.
Posted by puyal at 11:52 1 comments
Labels: beware, contribution, rule, scratched vehicles
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Mumbai auto - latest update
Recently my father had to go to Mumbai by flight. On reaching he contacted help desk about catching an auto to Kurla. Immediately the person in charge there geve my father a pamphlet and escorted him to an auto. The pamphlet contained details about the fare to be paid. The auto driver put on the meter and started. Contrary to my father's thinking, conditioned by chennai auto experience, there was no haggling when he got down! Incidentally the meter showed the distance travelled and not the fare to be paid. The pamphlet had detailed instructions about the fare to be paid based on the meter reading. By the way the minimum fare is Rs.9/- for the first 1.6 kms and Rs.5/- for every other km. So we, Chennai people, have one more thing to dream about: )
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Some posts by me on Easydrive forum
Who use roads? We, the public. Who are responsible for maintaining road discipline? Traffic police, public servants. Who are in charge of public servants/ The politicians. Who are in charge of Politicians!!!
It says on the traffic manual that if the light is on amber and you have crossed the stop line you can continue across. But I know an incident where the traffic police charged the driver for this!
There is much talk about traffic police should be strict. But how can they be if the person they charge is connected and the charger is one punished:( So what to do? Easy. Whoever has a big vehicle, fancy vehicle,vehicle with a fancy number,vehicle with party flag and whoever violates boldly, talks back at them, zig zags past them will not be booked. If there is no accident, even if there is blatant violation like jumping signals, having banned horns, not having rear view mirror, sari guard, crash bar, not stopping at stop line, etc., then everything is ok! First let us give the traffic police authority as responsibility and authority go hand in hand. Then make them account for it.
A friend of mine was waiting at the Spencers signal and there comes this two wheeler at break neck speed with two youngsters on it thinking they can brake at the last moment. Just then an auto moved in the way and to avoid it they bent a little and went past my friend's car in such a way that their handle bar broke one rear light and gave a long, deep scratch on the side. Of course they fell at the zebra crossing and suffered injuries. Seeing their injuries my friend sympathised. Result. A bill for more than 10000/- from his repair shop.
It seems the education is used to spin out excuses than follow rules. Neither the educated nor the uneducated are concerned about others and seem to be bent upon oneupmanship and the traffic police are unconcerned as long as no accident happens in their beat!
As a concerned Indian I cynically wonder whether our representatives are as concerned. They get vip treatment whatever the mode of transport may be and get to hog the best part of the road in the best vehicles on road Commenting on our roads sometimes I feel the potholes on our roads are the governments of speed breakers as the real speed breakers vanish whenever a road is relaid which is often!
In our traffic the meaning of green is go, amber is go fast and red is go faster!
Chennai traffic police announced an year back that they will fine those with high beam on. But as all their announcements it died a natural death Neither the police nor the drivers/riders(d/r for short) seem to remember or care. Of course some vehicles go even without low beam. The worst thing is the offenders do not even care for the affected d/r's dim dip routine. Maybe they do not understand Still worse is some cars, mainly cabs, having their right head light on high beam and left on low beam!
Another story. A father is taking his child to school on his bike. She suddenly exclaims "father, I pity that uncle" showing him another biker. Father asks "why?". "See, it seems he doesn't have any space on his bike to attach his helmet. He is wearing it on his head. poor uncle".
I just started from a signal. The speed was below 30 kmph. Not riding near the median as I know the possibility of a bent rod sticking out. All of a sudden I felt something pull me backwards and turning my handlebar to the right. Tried to correct my course but fell down on my left bruising my knee and foot. Thank god! Other vehicles avoided me. When I got up and righted the bike I found a cable wire running high above in a loop around my right rear view mirror. It has snapped some how and fell down at the moment my bike was passing. Of course I did not sue the cable owner!
Some one said 'In US cars run on gas;in India cars run on horns'. This is true for other vehicles also. As far as I know the purpose of horn is to let the other know about your presence. If he/she gives way you can pass. But people seem to think that just because they have honked their horn they should be given way! They will not consider the reasons like that the other person is boxed in, is going to turn right with indicator on!, has to avoid a pot hole, etc.
Drunken driving and penalties
The difficulty with implementing all these penalties, like demerit points, cancellation of licence in our country is how to track these things. It is a well known fact that many of the drivers/riders haven't seen a license in their life, though they may be riding for the past 40 years! And it is very easy to get a license. There was a reported case of a man without legs getting a car driving license!
Then who is to impose these penalties? Our toothless, corrupt traffic police! It is said that they pay money to powers that be to be posted in lucrative areas, same as posting to anti-prohibition wing which is lucrative. There are people who think that only document they need while driving is the legal tender, that too in 10s!
There are people who say that penalties will not be effective. Educating the public is the best solution. But as the famous words of wisdom goes 'you can wake up a person who sleeps, but not one who pretends to be sleeping'!
So what is the solution? Political will(read-no vote bank politics) and non-interference by politicians for some sustained time will show people that the government means business! But who is listening? Clinking of glasses drown out everything.
Posted by puyal at 12:41 0 comments
Labels: braking, drunken driving, rash, road discipline, traffic, traffic police
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-Beware of the Blue light
Can you identify the light on the left?
Doctors warn about it. Police warn about it. Newspapers warn about it. But all the warnings fall on deaf ears.
Got it now? It is the blue light normally seen on any dash board;bike or car. Do you know what it means? If yes, why do you have it on? If no, why are you on the road in the first place?
I don't know whether it is the characteristic of any police announcement anywhere in the world or just confined to India that announcement is made for announcement sake! Start from never ending warnings to Autos, helmet flip flop, dedicated website, pavement for pedestrians, Thirupathy chalo traffic diversion, turnable no 'U' turns, oh! come on you know what I am talking about. But there was one announcement which hit the headlines, then the 3rd page and sometimes the obituary page that was given through press conference;newspapers quoted eye surgeons and foolish people like me were happy!
I hope you know now what I am talking about! Not as popular as rash driving, helmet less travel, jumping signals;but nevertheless as dangerous.
High Beam - a bright light that dims many a lives and families. Many a times I had wondered about the need of High beam in our city traffic. Yes, there are many unlit streets, roads and sometimes useful in spotting the pot holes. But are these the only reasons or is there some other reason for switching on the high beam?
Suddenly it hit me. Not the bright light normally but I think I got it right. See, we are so used to on/off positions in switches normally. But in this case we have three positions;off/low beam/high beam! Maybe this is what confuses many drivers/riders. They think that the switch at mid point means faulty switch! So go all the way up - literally for their switch and sometimes for.... Then what about the blue light. It is there to tell you that the high beam is on, have mercy, beam it low. But people take it as an indication that the head light is on!
Sometimes I wonder whether the people know that there are two beam settings. Till I get an answer for that PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE LIGHT!
Posted by puyal at 18:01 0 comments
Labels: blinding light, blue light, bright light, high beam
Chennai Traffic-Mobile while mobile
Posted by puyal at 14:28 0 comments
Labels: attention, cellphone. bike, riding
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Chennai Traffic-If you drive like hell...
I am a careful, no, very careful driver. Defensive to a default. Always thinking of how other vehicles will behave really or hypothetically. So it is no wonder that it irritates me to see other drivers behave as if there is no tomorrow. Always rushing.
I remember my friend writing in my book more than 25 years ago. 'If you drive like hell you will reach it'. Sometimes I think that I should put it as a slogan on my bike. But seeing the reality I feel that the wordings should be 'If you drive like hell someone will reach it'.
Some months back at a signal everyone was waiting for the red to change. When the green came there was a mad rush as occupying the free space is how people see driving/riding on the road as if it is a poromboke thereby shutting out other drivers. Victory! But as always the case a bike from the right side road who jumped the signal was rushing towards the left thereby coming in the way of the rushing traffic. A bike from this side which won the race came in the path of the offending vehicle. The signal jumper tried to avoid this bike by swerving to his left but a bag on the right side of his bike hit the other bike sending it skidding. The offender just zigzagged his way through and vanished. The lone traffic cop jumped on another person's vehicle chasing the offender leaving the person who won the race lying some 25 feet away, broken! What happened to that person? My friend who witnessed the accident didn't tell me. He was rushing to his office. What happened to the cop's chase? The newspapers didn't tell me.
What is it that makes people think they can jump signal, cause accident and speed away? What is it that makes people throttle the engine even if the count down is at 98!? What is it that makes other people speed away not wanting to help? Is it because in the 'concrete jungle' also 'might is right'!?
I reach my office in time. Of course I start early!